Thursday, December 25, 2008

You've Got Questions, I've Got Answers, Part 10

The ninth and final batch of questions relating to Disneyland and Walt Disney Productions, as posed by Disneyland employees in 1972 and published in the August 16, 1972 Disneyland Line. More details can be found in Part 1.
QUESTION: "Has Disneyland ever considered installing a theft-proof type of parking lot or lockers for bicycles?"

ANSWER: The Maintenance Division is now taking the proper steps to prepare an area in the North Lot (that's the fenced-in lot to your right as you enter Disneyland from Harbor Blvd), where you can safely park your cycles and bikes. Bike racks will be provided, and, as mentioned, the entire area is already fenced in.

QUESTION: "Why can't there be more security officers on Main Street during operation hours to keep the guest from boarding the vehicles while moving and unnecessarily bothering the horses?"

ANSWER: According to Ron Dominguez, Director of Operations, keeping people from jumping on and off a moving Main Street vehicle is the responsibility of the person or persons who operate that attraction.

If you have a workable method in which Security officers can aid the Main Street operators in this matter, give Ron Dominguez a call at Ext. 410.

QUESTION: "It was unfortunate that I was unable to attend this meeting of Disneyland employees at the Convention Center, due to my being on a vacation that week.

"Only good can come from meetings of this nature...maintaining a good employer and employee improved relationship.

"What I would have liked to submit is as follows:

"MONORAIL SYSTEM FOR ORANGE COUNTY....This county has developed into an internationally known Vacationland. Traffic and parking conditions have been greatly increased by this progress. As a step into the future (as we approach the year 2,000), the construction of a Monorail System connecting these locales of pleasure and interest would greatly reduce the congestions. This system could be used by the employees getting to and from work.

"Connection to such points of interest:


"Eventually it would include: Marineland and San Diego's Mission Bay.

"One exception which would prevent this vision of Tomorrow would be: Auto industry, oil companies, bus lines, etc."

ANSWER: We have given some thought to extending the Monorail system to other places in the Disneyland area.

Your idea is too great for our financing ability or even our engineering ability at this time.

QUESTION: "When will the Opportunities Questionnaire be passed out?"

ANSWER: Disneyland's Opportunities' Resume, "Where Do You Go From Here," is scheduled to be mailed to all Disneyland employees around the middle of September. When you receive this Questionnaire, fill it out as soon as possible and return it to Disneyland in the envelope provided.


Matterhorn1959 said...

Happy Holidays! Thanks for all the goodness you post all year long!

outsidetheberm said...

These are just fascinating to read. Thanks for all the great posts! Season's Greetings!