We'll stick with some more shots of Sleeping Beauty Castle today...

This coin press machine always bothered me, looking as cheap as it does in comparison to the Castle. Somebody please tell me it's gone?

I could look at Guestless photographs like this all day long!

I thought this was a pretty nice picture--and still do--but after repeated viewings I discovered there was something
not quite right about it...
WOW, that coin machine is ugly! I don't think it's there anymore, at least not one that "loud". I agree about "Guestless photographs", I love getting to the park at opening and heading to Frontierland, its truly empty! Great series!
Is the something wrong the the Mickey sticker in the banner pole or the bird on the roof?
Perhaps a gilded tower that doesn't belong?
My objection in the photo was the sticker slapped across the pole. Easy enough to remove in Photoshop, though!
Oh, I saw that sticker, but figured it HAD to be something even more obscure!!
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