I present you today with a list. Well, two lists. One aspect of the thesaurus of the Compendium project is gathering information on the people who have worked at the Park, either employed directly by Disney or working for a lessee (especially in the early days). The lists below are far from comprehensive or even systematic, but merely represent what I've gleaned from the sources I've examined so far. For almost all of these I have more information than just a name--often at least a department or work location. Some of the Cast Members originally worked as lessee personnel, and undoubtedly in greater numbers than these lists indicate. But, one has to start somewhere! I'll start with the lessee personnel, since that's the shorter list. Below that you can find my hopelessly partial list of Disneyland Cast Members. The following lists do not include personnel who worked for Retlaw, the Disneyland Hotel under the Wrather Corporation, or contractor personnel.
Lessee Personnel
Allen, W. E.
Amendt, Alma
Amendt, Fran
Amendt, Joe
Amendt, Ray
Arzrouni, Jerry
Austin, Leo
Bagley, Bud
Cahill, Jeannine
Case, Helen
Cook, Helen
Crabtree, Don
Crouse, Clyde
Curran, Lou
Decker, Bette
DeFore, Verne
Dills, Carl
Dolly, Betty
Ekstein, Fred
Fauntz, Rose
Gallant, Norma
Gardner, Joe
Goodwin, Eloise
Grundy, Cliff
Hammel, Claire
Hanson, Vera
Harvey, Phil
Hatcher, Don
Hobbs, Inez
Holmes, Marge
Jenkins, Walt
Johnson, Carmen
Johnson, Harvey
Kelly, Bob
Komara, Ray
Kurz, Jimmy
Lane, Bill
Long, Bill
Long, Dwight
Mark, Mary
Markey, Nemo
Miller, Jean
Mowry, Don
Mulder, Al
Norris, Walt
Odom, Travis
Palmer, Keith
Papel, Phil
Patterson, C. V.
Perry, Chuck
Phillips, Mel
Pinger, Mary
Purcell, Carolyn
Purdy, Bonnie
Richardson, Bob
Rochelle, Donna
Scheid, Tommy
Smith, Paul
Wager, Bertha
Wagman, Leo
Westering, Myrt
Williams, Dick
Zueger, Mildred
Cast Members
Aasen, Norm
Abbott, Chuck
Acosta, Amador
Acuff, Jack
Acuff, Lee
Adams, Ralph
Addis, John
Aguilar, Gil
Aikely, Mike
Albright, Milt
Alegre, Pat
Alevizos, Roger
Alexander, Charles
Alford, A. Howell
Allen, Bob
Allen, Chris
Alvarado, Alfonso
Alvarez, Al
Amemiya, Hideo
Anderson, Bernice
Anderson, Dan
Anderson, Earl
Anderson, Skip
Anderson, Sonny
Anderson, Walter
Angerbauer, Ray
Angleton, Garland
Aquino, Gerry
Ara, Leo
Aramaki, Hideo 'Indian'
Archer, Earl
Armstrong, Jim
Arpke, 'Cass'
Atkins, Judy
Avarbach, Ron
Averett, Cathy
Backhaus, Terri
Bader, Robert
Baeza, Leroy
Baker, Bryant
Baker, Daina
Baker, Jim
Baker, Rich
Baldwin, Mona
Ballentine, Ralph
Bandy, Winn
Bardeau, ReniƩ
Barnes, Chris
Barnes, Tom
Barngrover, Jim
Barr, Barbara
Barrilleauz, Bonnie
Bartchard, Dave
Bartner, Art
Basham, Jeanne
Bassett, Addaline
Bates, Gerald
Bauer, Paul
Bauer, Phil
Baxter, George
Baxter, Tony
Beale, Martha
Beaver, Bobbie
Bedes, Dick
Belanger, Joyce
Bell, Betty
Bell, George
Belmonte, Linda
Benjamin, Carol
Beral, Charles
Bernard, Alice
Bernstein, Sharon
Bero, Alex
Berry, Jo Anne
Bertagna, Bill
Bescos, Shari
Billings, Bill
Billingslea, Bob
Birk, Cathy
Bixler, Dallas
Blackburn, Cap
Blackburn, William
Blair, Marianne
Blank, Carla
Block, Howard
Boag, Wally
Boehlke, Ruth
Boisseau, Doyle
Boltuch, Herb
Boyajian, Charles
Brandle, Al
Brashier, Joanne
Brashier, Natalie
Bratten, Coral
Bray, Barbara
Brehm, Roy
Bright, Randy
Brinkmeyer, Imogene
Brock, Charley
Brooks, Patsy
Brooks, Ruth
Brown, Ed
Brown, Farris
Brown, Jack
Brown, John
Brown, Mina
Browne, Ronald G.
Brubaker, Roberta
Bruce, Bob
Bruce, Rima
Buche, Rick
Bunner, Tim
Burley, Fulton
Burmester, Dan
Burner, Dale
Burns, Lillian
Burns, Robert H.
Burson, Gary
Byrne, Wilbur
Cahill, Lon
Cain, Dave
Campbell, Calvin
Canell, Pam
Caracausa, Marion
Carbonnel, Bob
Cardwell, Bill
Carnegie, Edgar
Carpenter, Richard
Carrasco, Oscar
Casados, Gil
Casey, Virl
Cashen, Jim
Casper, Paul
Castillo, Vincente
Castle, Paul
Cathrer, Gail
Catone, John
Champion, Janet
Chapman, Art
Chavana, Chuck
Chavarris, Rudy
Chief Shooting Star
Chilcott, Mary
Child, Tom
Choate, Bob
Chots, Bob
Christensen, James
Christopher, Chris
Ciesluk, Broney
Cisneros, Edward
Clark, Peter
Clark, Richard
Clarke, Blair
Claudet, Pat
Clausen, Judy
Clemente, Lynn
Cody, Jerry
Coffman, Neva
Coleman, Ellen
Coleman, Walter
Collins, Candy
Cone, Chuck
Conger, Sue
Conley, Renie
Conner, Lajuana
Connolly, Maureen
Conte, Dominic
Conti, James
Contreras, Bob
Contreras, Manuel
Conway, Albert 'Ed'
Conway, Ray
Coon, Jackie
Cooper, Bill
Cooper, Martin M.
Cora, Jim
Corcoran, John
Cotner, Jessie
Cottom, Lucy
Coulson, Rodney ('Bud')
Cox, Rita
Craig, Roger
Crame, Peggy
Crawford, Gary
Crawford, Joanne
Cribbes, Scotty
Crimmings, Pete
Crooks, Dick
Crosby, Don
Crowe, Arthur
Cruise, Leonard
Culbertson, Shirley
Curran, Lou
Cyr, Johnny St.
Daily, Jody
Dains, Hank
Dale, Ann
Dalesandro, Mary
Dalton, Juama
D'Amore, Mario
D'Amore, Morio
Daniels, Chris
D'Arcy, Jim
David, Leland Ellis
Davila, Pat
Davis, Adell
Davis, Allan
Davis, Kay
Davis, Marvin
Davis, Mike
Dayus, Carol
Dayus, Jill
Deeley, Denis
Degelmann, Thor
DeKeyser, Carol
Deleese, Tony
Delehoy, Bonnie
DeLeon, Rachel
Delphin, Joe
DeMarco, Gina
Demmons, Wes
Denny, Charles
Derby, Dick
Derkowski, Joe
Dew, John
Diamond, Joe
Diaz, Boyd
Diaz, Joe
Diaz, Joseph
Dickson, Marva
Dixon, James
Dodge, Bob
Doerges, Norm
Dolan, John
Dolen, John
Dombroske, Leona
Dominguez, Ron
Donald, Susan
Doyle, Diann K.
Doyle, Kay
Doyle, Ron
Dragon, Art
Drummond, Hubert
Drury, Bonnie
Duffy, Fred
DuMars, Charlene
Dunham, Jim
Dunstan, Murin
Dupee, Ruby
Durham, David
Eason, Jimmie
Ebeling, Matt
Eck, Bob
Ecklund, Stan
Edwards, Roger
Ehrman, Mason L.
Elder, Fred
Elgin, Harley
Emmer, Greg
Englert, Nancy
English, Cornell
Eno, Dorothy
Entwistle, Harold
Erangey, James
Erickson, Bob
Esquival, Antonio
Ettinger, Ed
Evans, Dick
Evans, Morgan ('Bill')
Fardin, Hugo
Farris, Peggy
Faust, Jennifer
Fesler, Betty
Fields, Dana
Fields, Mareta
Filtz, Henry
Finch, Larry
Fister, Ann
Flymen, Bernie
Foland, Dennis
Ford, Les
Forsyth, Frank
Fowler, Joseph ('Joe')
France, Van Arsdale
Francuz, Louis
Franks, Carl
Freeberg, Carl
Freeland, Wendy
Freese, Stanford
Fregoso, Arthur
Fults, Pamela
Gagnon, Jeanne
Gaines, Cecil
Galentine, Dick
Gallegly, Oren
Gander, Gail
Garcia, Heri
Garcia, Richard
Garter, Harold
Gault, Bob
Gayle, Warren
George, Jimmy
Gerlack, John
Gibson, Cecil
Gibson, Hoot
Gibson, Marie
Giron, Ralph
Givens, James
Goldstab, Alex
Gomez, Stan
Gonzales, Frank
Good, Joanne
Goodman, Doreen
Gottfried, Bob
Gourn, Christy
Gray, Anita
Gray, John
Greenwood, Loren
Grier, Ed
Griffin, Robert
Grijalva, Albert
Grills, Al
Grinstead, Dennis
Grisso, Ginny
Grizanti, Raul
Gruber, Bill
Guder, Vic
Gutierrez, Jorge O.
Gutsch, Denise
Guzman, Bill
Hackney, Paul
Hagan, Al
Halfacre, Walter
Hammel, Pat
Hanna, Bob
Hannaford, Charles
Hansen, Frank
Hansen, Susan
Hanson, Dick
Hanson, Terri
Hare, Garry
Harman, Jim
Harner, Angie
Harper, Earl
Harper, Ruth
Harris, Timi
Harrison, Terri
Harriss, Cynthia
Hartmann, Brenda
Hauenstein, David
Hauenstein, William
Hauerwaas, V. A.
Haught, Jim
Hayden, John B.
Hayes, Maurice
Healey, Bruce
Hebner, Sally
Heidemann, Bill
Heidemann, Frank
Heileson, Reed
Hemsley, Barbara
Henderson, Nancy
Hennessey, John
Hensley, Deriss
Hernandez, John
Heupel, Evelyn
Hickman, Barbara
Higgins, Clarice
Hill, Clint
Hinkle, Sharon
Hodgin, Dewey
Hoelscher, Billie
Hoelscher, Holly
Holiway, Virginia
Holland, Homer
Holliday, Helen
Holmes, Marge
Holmes, Sharon
Holzwarth, Charles
Homeres, Richard
Host, Cara
Houck, Jeanie
Hougardy, Marie
Howell, Kendra
Howsley, Robert
Hoxie, Bob
Hoyt, Bob
Huckins, Phyllis
Hughes, Charles
Hughes, Rawleigh
Huguenin, Carley
Huguenin, Dean
Hulen, Clarence
Husson, George
Hutchins, Merle
Hutchinson, Larry
Hyman, Milt
Ireland, Mike
Irving, Ralph
Iwasyk, Mykola
Jackson, Earl
Jacobson, Eric
James, Sandi
Jani, Robert F.
Jeffers, Charles
Johnson, Bob
Johnson, Carol
Johnson, Cheryl
Johnson, Johnie
Johnson, Lavonne
Johnson, Wendy
Jones, Len
Juban, Bernie
Kaminski, Jean
Karam, Martha
Kauffman, Linda
Kay, Alan
Kean, Delbert
Kearns, Thomas
Keeton, Chester
Kemeny, Marvin
Kempf, Derry
Kenney, Lt.
Kent, Ralph
Kerr, Jean
Kibler, Dave
Kidney, Kevin
Killeen, Diane
Kimbell, Pat
Kimbrell, Bruce
Kinder, Lynn
King, Mary Jane
King, Matt
Kirk, Gary
Klein, Marty
Klein, Sherry
Kline, Tiny
Knutti, George
Koch, Dave
Koehler, Fred
Kohler, Ken
Kollen, Ron
Komara, Ray
Korgol, Alex
Krane, Mary Ann
Krauss, Jack
La Fortune, Stan
Lagan, Barbara
Landier, George
Landry, Rory
Langford, Mike
LaRue, Lois
Laws, William
Layne, Barbara
Le Febvre, George
Lechuga, Greg, Jr.
Lee Sargent, Cora
Lemmon, Doc
Lescault, Raellen
Lewelling, Jane
Lewis, Alyene
Lewis, Tom
Lindberg, Arnold
Lindquist, Jack
Lindsay, Ruby
Lippe, Ralph
Lipps, Morris
Lister, Mollie
Little Arrow
Little Sky, Eddie
Locke, Bill
Locke, Marie
Long, Bob
Long, Carolyn
Long, Clarence
Long, Leo
Long, Phyllis
Lorenz, Mike
Luckett, Susie
Luhmann, Rose Marie
Lunsford, Earlene
Lunsford, John
Luthin, Charles
Lyles, Mig
Mackey, Ann
Mackie, Ed
Macy, Mike
Madrid, Lupe
Mae, Jerry
Magill, Donald
Maier, Ruth
Maines, Michael
Malson, Ray
Manes, Dorothy
Mang, Mary Anne
Mangrum, Lettie
Manning, Carolee
Manson, Mike
Marotta, Violet
Marquez, David
Marsh, Judy
Martin, Jack
Martin, Stacia
Martines, Frank
Martinez, Oscar
Martinez, Ray
Marvel, Roger
Marx, Mike
Masella, Angelo
Mason, Harry
Masseth, Roy
Massoth, Bertha E.
Matheison, Bob
Matthews, Toby
Maxwell, Clara
Maxwell, Ernest
May, Jack
Mayen, Gilbert
Mazey, Betty
McCalley, John
McClease, Jack
McClease, Pat
McCollum, Joan
McCune, Roy
McDonald, Bob
McGeorge, Christina
McGrath, Tom
McGraw, Demsey
McHugh, Raymond
McIntyre, Doug
McJunkin, Clyde
McKibben, Mabel
McKinley, Bob
McLane, Barbara
McMasters, Travis
McMurtrey, Cal
McNell, Frank
Meck, Ed
Medearis, Colleen
Meister, Ben
Mendez, Al
Mercado, Alfredo
Merrfeld, Rod
Merritt, Chris
Metzer, Kirby
Meyer, Erma
Milam, Cathie
Milano, Dick
Milek, Bob
Miller, Betty
Miller, George
Miller, Joanne
Miller, John
Miller, Lulu
Miller, Ray
Miller, Rod
Mills, Bob
Mills, George
Mills, Larry
Miner, Marcia
Minick, Bob
Mitchell, Thomas
Mitchell, Tom
Mitter, Dorrell
Mitts, Kathleen
Miwa, Fred
Miyamoto, Bob
Miziker, Ronald
Molhock, Peter A.
Mollot, Anita
Montano, George
Montano, Robert
Montero, Lou
Montgomery, Ben
Moore, Monette
Moore, Robert
Moreno, Lydia
Moreno, Sebastian
Morey, Seb
Morford, Gene
Morisette, Jerry
Morozo, Thomas
Morris, Becky
Morrison, Gneva
Mosley, MaryAnn
Motley, Jack
Movales, Sally
Moyer, William
Mumford, David
Muriello, Kathy
Murphy, Becky
Murphy, Jim
Murphy, Mike
Murray, Judy
Myers, Ruth
Nabbe, Tom
Narath, Arthur
Narath, Dean
Naujock, Barbara
Navarro, Lorraine
Naylor, Betty
Neal, Gay
Neenan, Jim
Newcomb, Fred
Nichols, Charles
Nickerson, Cliff
Nicolai, Phil
Niedzwiecke, Ginnie
Nielsen, Edith
Niemeyer, Al
Nischwitz, Art
Nisckwitz, Art
Nobles, Don
Nolan, John
Nordloef, Arthur
Norman, Don
Norman, Louis
Novis, Donald
Nunis, Dick
Nuno, Tony
O'Brien, Michael
O'Grattan, Michael
Oliphant, Pam
Olsen, Arthur
Olsen, Jack
Onder, Julia
Ornelas, Jill
Ornstein, Mary
Orosco, Mickey
Orren, Margaret
Orrick, Eloise
Orrick, Mike
Ortiz, Arthur C.
Otto, Gunter
Ouimet, Matt
Owen, Brady
Page, Clarence
Palmiter, Suzanne
Parenti, Joseph
Parker, Buck
Parker, Maureen
Parks, Jerry
Paskevicius, Alyja A.
Passilla, Jim
Patterson, Richard
Patton, James
Paulsen, Helen
Payne, Jack
Peacock, James
Peacock, Marion
Pearson, Vern
Pedroza, Anthony M.
Penfield, Bob
Penlick, Dean
Perez, Roland
Perkins, Gary
Perrine, Kathy
Perugini, Nick
Peterson, Donna
Peterson, Howard
Pettifer, William
Pfannenstiel, Frank
Phelps, Becky
Phelps, Bob
Pimantel, Gil
Pinkham, Al
Poemoceah, Al
Pollard, Pam
Polzin, Doug
Pope, Dollie
Pope, Owen
Poppa, Dan
Pore, Earl
Powles, Jan
Pratt, Lynn
Pratt, Wayne
Purugganan, Gina
Quaglia, Vermondo
Quigley, Jim
Radcliff, Chuck
Rainey, Milo
Ralston, Steve
Ramos, Angelina
Ranier, Tom
Rascon, Kathy
Reed, Diana
Reed, Don
Reed, Susan
Reid, Robert
Reihm, Julie
Reilly, Bob
Reilly, John
Reis, Sandy
Rendich, Nick
Restivo, Sal
Reynolds, Ruby
Richardson, Archard
Ridgway, Charlie
Rigdon, Cicely
Riley, James
Riley, Orville
Ripley, Hazel
Rivas, Andrae
Roberts, Walter
Robinson, Elana
Robles, Trinidad
Rogers, John
Roman-Osborn, Doina
Roppa, Tom
Rose, Peggy Matthews
Ross, Dean
Ross, Jerri
Ross, Tom
Rossman, Jim
Roth, L. H.
Rowe, Ron
Rowland, Georgia
Ruiz, Trinidad Garcia
Russell, Judy
Saenz, Lucille
Salazar, Francisco
Salisbury, Anne
San, Laity
San, Martin
Sayers, Jack
Scanlan, Frank
Scarnecchia, Donna
Schamp, James
Schatz, Robyn
Schawacha, Marion
Schendel, Christina
Schmidt, Johnny
Schueller, Ronnie
Schultz, Jason
Schumacher, Fred
Schwacha, Marion
Schwartz, Ray
Scott, Bonnie
Scott, E. Walter
Scott, Joan
Scott, Rose Ann
Seals, Karen
Sechi, Yuki
Sechler, Day
See, Thomas
Seeber, Betty
Session, Robert
Shafer, Sue
Shah, Mahendra
Shearer, Sam
Shelbourne, Al
Shelton, Earl
Shepard, J. J.
Sheppard, Captain
Sherbin, Sally
Sherbin, Sausha
Sherry, Russell
Sherry, Tom
Shew, Lyle
Shields, Chuck
Shilling, Del
Shlacow, Abe
Short, George
Shurian, Quinn
Siana, Stephen J.
Sidejas, Ray
Silverwood, Ed
Silverwood, Sandy
Simis, Jennifer
Simpson, Don
Simpson, Sandra Jean
Sinclair, Alex
Sins, Dee
Siordia, Stella
Siqueiros, Karlos
Siverson, Harvey
Skeen, Lyndell
Skidmore, Earl
Sklar, Marty
Slaton, Harold
Smeltzer, Lucy
Smith, Cloyd
Smith, Dick
Smith, Don
Smith, E. W.
Smith, Frank E.
Smith, Kathy
Smith, Lawrence
Smith, Sue
Snyder, Sheron F.
Solis, Alex
Spangler, Gloria
Spontaneo, Merino
Sprinkel, Harry H.
Spychala, Richard
Squaires, Bobbi
Stabile, Frank
Stabile, Tom
Stafford, Georgia
Stafford, Pete
Steever, Garth
Stelnicki, Eddie
Stenger, Elizabeth
Stevens, Robert
Stevenson, John
Stewart, Bill
Stillwell, Barbara
Stockdale, Margaret
Stovall, Dick
Strand, Loretta
Stratton, Della
Stratton, Dorothy
Sullivan, Bill ('Sully')
Swan, Virginia
Swanson, Connie
Swanson, Rudolph O.
Swartz, Ron
Swenson, Maynard
Tachauer, Ed
Takada, Andrew
Tanasugam, Janet
Taylor, Betty
Taylor, Jack
Taylor, Ron
Tedesco, Camille
Teel, James
Templin, Ray
Teramura, Mineko
Teter, Bud
Thames, James
Theil, Mary
Thomas, Evan
Thomas, Jim
Thomas, Terry
Thomas, Wes
Thompson, Al
Thompson, Bob
Thompson, Charlie
Thompson, Dick
Thompson, Heather
Thum, Muriel ('Bobbie')
Tiedy, Owen
Tiradeau, Sally
Tomsen, Steve
Towers, Shirley
Tracy, Ted
Trapani, Salvatore
Triverson, Dominic
Trolla, Camille
Troutt, Olive
Troyer, Mary
True, Terry
Trumble, Yvonne
Tryon, Lawrence E.
Tryon, Michelle
Trytten, Delores
Tucci, Rocco
Tugan, Zayra
Turk, Lawson L.
Turner, Jim
Tyler, Melissa
Tyson, Jim
Underwood, Judy
Uresti, Rudi
Utter, Bill
Uyeno, Karen
Valencia, Michael
Valle, Sharon
Van De Warker, Lois
Van De Warker, Ray
Van Der Hauvel, Chuck
Van Der Zwaag, Willie
Van Thyme, Mary
Vance, Mike
Vandervort, Rev
Vaudrin, John
Vaughn, Troy
Vazquez, Jes (Naugha)
Vega, Kenneth
Vermeulen, Dave
Vilmer, Earl
Vineyard, Howie
Virginia, Tony
Volchok, Michael
Votaw, Terry
Vought, Paul
Vreenegoor, Hermina
Wagner, Jack
Waite, John
Walker, Clifford
Walker, Kay
Walker, Tommy
Walker, Vesey
Wallace, Kay
Warbonnet, Rose
Ward, James
Warren, Barbara
Warrick, James
Warrick, Robert
Washo, Bill
Washo, Bud
Watkins, Bertha
Watkins, Bill
Watson, Helen
Watson, Jack
Wattelet, Gail
Webster, Ray
Weiss, Gordon
Welch, Bob
Welch, Mel
Welty, John
Weston, Eric
Whelan, Charles
White, Benny
White, Jerry
White, Larry
Whitney, George
Williams, George
Williams, Lois
Williams, Saville L.
Williams, Susie
Wilson, Mindy
Wilson, Rose
Wimmer, Sharon
Winger, Ed
Wise, John
Wise, Wilbur
Witteveen, Anna
Wolf, Scott
Wolf, Shani
Wong, Betty
Wood, C. V., Jr.
Wood, Evelyn
Woodard, James
Woods, Lisa
Woods, Steve
Woodsworth, Woody
Woodworth, Truman
Woody, Betty
Wray, Sally
Wright, Jan
Wright, Lt.
Wright, Wilber
Wrigley, Dorothy
Wuestneck, Earl
Wyatt, Wayne
Yanda, Ray
Yarber, John
Yeager, Richard
Yeakley, Ron
Yeargin, Paul
Yee, Al
Yee, Kevin
Yotter, William
Young, Dave
Young, Dolly
Young, Phil
Young, William
Zerbini, Mini
Zimmerman, Pat
Zinser, Emily
Now go off and impress(??) your friends!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
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Not THE Willie Van Der Zwaag?? ;-)
Interesting that Don DeFore's Silver Banjo BBQ was leased under his brother’s name and not his, especially since they both took the same UCLA course in business.
Dave: The lessee term I have is "Don and Verne DeFore." As to why I have Verne as lessee personnel, but not Don, I can only imagine that at some point I was making the distinction between people who actually worked in the Park, and I wasn't sure if Don DeFore had.
I think because I saw this in the November 1957 Disneylander:
"VERNE DEFORE of the Silver Banjo is doing a great job of managing the newest eatery in Disneyland."
I went ahead and added "lessee personnel" to Verne, but left Don alone. Anyway, Don should also be lessee personnel and I've updated the thesaurus accordingly. Thanks!
Major: That's Miss 1981 Disneyland Ambassador to you!
Where's Joe Dougherty, a Foods Supervisor in Summer 1972? He is on the chart you posted in May. He moved on to become my District Manager in San Jose CA for Carl Karcher Enterprises (Carl's Jr). I was astonished at the time when he said he left Disney, my dream job at the time. Politics, he said.
Only 40,000 or so more to go!
DZ: As I said, this is a partial list based on the sources I've consulted thus far. I have not used the Foods org chart because I haven't quite decided how to represent that organizational structure, and I want to put that in before putting in the people.
Westcot2000: I think Van France wrote in 1990 that there had been a couple hundred thousand Cast Members... so I have a lot longer than 40,000 more to go!
Wow! Talk about a job for you! Is this a comprehensive list of cast members forever, or just a specific time?
I never worked in the park, but I did work in the hotel between 1993-1998. It was one of my most favorite jobs ever!
You include Cynthia Harriss but not Steve Martin or John Lasseter? Tsk, tsk!
I'm curious to see if you can confirm that Ron Ziegler, H.R. Haldeman, Rene Russo, Joanna Kerns, and Michelle Pfeiffer were Cast Members as well. The OC Weekly listed them as having worked in the park.
Tink: It will never be comprehensive, but there are no time limits to who is included. Resort Hotels Cast Members will be included, but since most of my sources consulted thus far pre-date the Walt Disney Company acquiring Wrather Incorporated, the few that I do know about are classified as Wrather employees.
Anonymous: As I said, this is a partial list. Regarding Martin and Lasseter, they are both currently in the thesaurus. Lasseter's role was omitted simply because I had not yet consulted a source saying he worked on the Jungle Cruise. (I realize such sources exist.) Martin was a bit trickier. I know that he worked at the Magic Shop, but do not know if this was during the time Taylor & Hume ran it (making him lessee personnel) or if he worked directly for Disneyland, Inc. You must admit, however, that Cynthia Harriss had a far greater impact on the course of Disneyland than did Steve Martin or John Lasseter in their time as Cast Members!
Ziegler did work on the Jungle Cruise. Haldeman did not work at Disneyland, although he was a friend of Walt's. Disneyland had an account with the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency. Haldeman oversaw this account. Ziegler later worked under Haldeman on this account. For a bit more detail, check out my earlier post on Richard Nixon and Disneyland.
I have no immediate knowledge about the other people you cited.
Don't you think this might be at least a minor invasion of privacy?
Anonymous: As an archivist, I am sensitive to privacy issues. This listing of names does not contain any sort of confidential information and is in fact drawn mainly from published information of some kind. It contains many names which are by their nature public within the Disney universe: Ambassadors, executives, Club 55 members, Disney Legends, those with windows on Main Street, etc. If you have a specific concern, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll be happy to address it. Thanks.
Just stumbled across this looking up a Disney Long Timer. See a lot of friends and also ones that are missing. Did Kevin Costner really play the Prince in the parade and marry Snow white?
My grandfather worked for Disney as an engineer and helped develop the submarine ride and the jungle ride. We got free admission tickets to the park and still have some coupon books.I see a Nick Rendich listed as cast but as far as I know he only appeared in one movie as a small boat captain and I am not sure if that was a Disney film. I would be interested to know more as I am having trouble locating information on him.
Can someone tell me who gloria spangler was as a cast member of disneyland? I have some sketches of hers and im just curious about them. These sketches could be of famous people as children? Not really sure what i have here but there wayyyyy cool. rondaflohr@hotmail.com
Do you know an Amy? I forgot her last name but i know she works the lost and found and occasionally is a Vip tour guide. If you do email me at tsgolfer99@gmail.com
Do you have anymore information on Jim Haught. Was he an animator? You can e-mail me at jmbuck007@hotmail.comybrews
I saw your list...if you would like to add to Cast Members: Bob Witter, Promotions Director Disneyland (during the mid-late 90's) Karen Humbert Witter, Attractions early70's-mid 80's and now our daughter Ella Witter-current Cast Member !!
I was an employee and Food Supervisor 1967-1974
Barry Grupp ( check the org chart)
What do you knew about Zayra Tugan?
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