Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Minor Milestone...

Congratulations, Matterhorn1959! Your comment on Chucko the Clown on Davelandblog's first post is the first blog material to be entered into the thesaurus. The main citation in the source database looks like this:

Davelandblog (6/4/2006 0843)

Since there can be several posts on a specific day, this helps to disambiguate without having to incorporate the title in this short form. In the notes for the individual entries, when a comment is the source of information (such as with Matterhorn's), the citation looks like this:

Davelandblog (6/4/2006 0843; Matterhorn1959 comment)

Fellow bloggers, can you take a few years off so I can catch up? Thanks!


Major Pepperidge said...

Hmmm, how come you chose a comment by Matterhorn on another blog, when his own blog had been going for many months at that point? No disrespect to Daveland intended at all, his blog is AWESOME.

Not outraged, just curious!

Please don't ever use my own blog as a source of info, since I never know what I'm talking about!!

Vintage Disneyland Tickets said...

"Disambiguate", sounds like a procedure that would be performed by a "Nomenclaturist".....

Daveland said...

Major - I'm sure it's part of a conspiracy plot to discredit both you and Matterhorn. But seriously folks...Jason, the amount of work you are putting into this thing is amazing. Hope it sees the light of day so that the rest of us can purchase it one day!