Now, Rockport, MA was easy enough to find (see?)--and it only has one harbor. I had some trepidation in finding the bridge. The total information available to me was the narration from the 1976 version ("rustic America in Vermont, where an old covered bridge is still to be found") (which I had to assume to be correct) and visual cues from the video above. I initially hoped that the sign above the bridge's entrance contained the name of the bridge, but the sign was illegible (and, I later learned, didn't name the bridge). No information on the internet or my thesaurus identified this bridge. But knowing that there are other people like me in the world, I figured somebody would have troubled themselves to make lists of covered bridges.
Indeed, I quickly found Dale Travis's Vermont Covered Bridges List, with photos of many of the bridges. Now I had to hope that the Circle-Vision bridge was on the list and had at least one photo with enough contextual information. I opened up every photo link on the page, but in my first pass couldn't identify it. On my second pass, however, I recognized some details on the Mill Bridge page that caused me to perk up. First was the sign; no other bridge had such a sign. The second was more subtle. The background of the Circle-Vision video shows a short waterfall in the distance, with a road in the further distance. The third photo on the Mill Bridge page shows a waterfall. Studying the Google Maps aerial view made me comfortable that all the details matched. You can also drive through the bridge via Google Street View and spin around 360 degrees, which I find very fitting.
I knew where the bridge was, had it programmed in my GPS, and still missed the turnoff--it's that inconspicuous from Vermont State Route 110. The bridge is down below to the left, not visible in this shot from the road:

ONE DOLLAR FINEI didn't have a horse or other beast, so the local authorities didn't get a chance to shake me down. I also shot the details that helped me to identify the bridge. The waterfall is easy to see, but the road in the distance is now obscured by foliage:

My second New England Circle-Vision destination was Rockport, which I saw on a glorious fall day. Unfortunately, that scene was filmed from a boat, and I didn't have the time or desire to try to recreate those shots exactly. (Also, there is no Google Boat View from which I could use photos.) The Rockport scene starts with a boat navigating into the harbor past Motif No. 1 (the iconic red building on the right)...

Is that narration by Ronald Reagan?
Very good post; thank you.
Interestingly when Google Street View visited, the bridge did have a sign containing its name --,-72.491344&spn=0,359.990451&z=17&layer=c&cbll=43.891575,-72.491402&panoid=M0ghPyGwv_iQnCcAfVMOjw&cbp=12,340.35,,0,-5.31
Wonder what happened to it...
Great post and a neat way to visit New England.
Wow, that was interesting. Loved the idea of trying to match up the covered bridge scenes.
I'm pretty sure the narration on the video is not the original.
But jason, can you tell me how much hot chocolate is in the Ski Inn at in the Sun Valley segment of America The Beautiful?......just-kidding! Awesome detailed post!
SundayNight - I believe the 1967 and 1975 versions of "America the Beautiful" had different narration (as there were several differences in scenes). The video I posted was from 1967 and (unfortunately) didn't have the "rustic America in Vermont" bit.
What a great idea for a road trip! Thanks for sharing the results.
Excellent job matching up the bridge scenes. Loved reading about the investigative work... and that photo with the film on your phone while looking at the real scene is awesome!
Jason, you're amazing. I've always loved the covered bridge scene and how the horse "clops" on the soundtrack became echoed once inside. If I ever visit Vermont, I'm going to find the bridge as well.
Now, my intrepid explorer, get yourself over to Tobago and find me that tree!!
I first saw America the Beautiful in an inflatable cinema in London's Battersea park! It was sensational!
Your readers might care to know about my recently launched blog Decidely Disney. Visitors welcome!
I like your 1/9th reference!
Nice to see all of the other shots you took of the whole area - nice country up there.
The "iconic red building" was mentioned and shown in Coastal Living magazine recently, especially visited by artists. It is supposedly painted with a very specific customized color, just for the way the light hits it and works for the artists.
Thanks for searching those out and posting.
The narration is from the original 1958 version.
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