Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Disney's California Adventure Hours

As a follow-up to yesterday's post, a present a similar table for Disney's California Adventure operating hours. The big difference is that, unlike for Disneyland, I do have operating hours for each day in its history. Notice the experimentation that went on early in its history in 2001 as management tried to determine the best hours for the Park. It's very rare these days for Disney's California Adventure to open before 10!


sea_bass said...


Henry from here. Any chance of making these historical hours publicly or privately available? Would be great to get some park hours beyond a few years back for DL and DCA for our crowd research.

Feel free to ping me at



Major Pepperidge said...

I can understand why DCA closes early from a business standpoint, but it is lame when everyone heads over to Disneyland in the evening!

Westcot2000 said...

Now you need to research the *actual* operating hours in addition to the scheduled hours!

Vintage Disneyland Tickets said...

How about a post before 2009 is all done? LOL!!! We miss your posts (and comments) are you still around? Hows the thesaurus/database going?

Jason Schultz said...

Yeah, still sort of around! Thesaurus plowing full speed ahead...