Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why Do I Have This? (Part 3)

OK, obviously I hung around Redd Rockett's Pizza Port a lot when it opened. But I had forgotten all about these wings until I found them in a box last week. I have absolutely no memory of why they were produced. I don't think they were worn by Cast Members. I know they weren't generally handed out to Guests. Were they maybe handed out to select Guests to create "magical moments"? Does anybody else have these? (Mine are so scuffed up, I'm sure, because I always brought them to the Park.)

UPDATE 6/2/2011: Tonight while attending the media party at the Disneyland Hotel for Soundsational Summer I had occasion to tour the new suites. Who did I see there but Rona Kay, the first manager of Redd Rockett's Pizza Port and with whom I am pictured as the first dollar. She was able to tell me that they were created to hand to children as airline wings had been. They made one batch and then Safety got wind of it and prevented the production of any more. So, that explains why I only have the one. I am amazed that I ran into the one person I know who could answer that question (and whom I have not seen in years) on the very day I posed the question, but I've been amazed by a lot recently.


  1. "Safety got wind of it" I wonder what the issue was? Can't be the pin part, we all know those "Magical" buttons you see all over the park have pins! Does Rona still work for Disney?

  2. Neato! I have a little box full of those "Junior Pilot" and "Junior Stewardess" pins from a number of airlines, and have always thought that they were a great idea.

    For a while, the plastic wings had an adhesive back rather than a pin, you'd think that the folks at Disney could have used that (even though it is lame).
